Monday, 3 December 2007

"It's beginning to look{feel} a lot like Christmas"

vintage advent calendar

Now for a little something I'm calling Ad{Blog}vent calendar. I will start it form the 1st December, like most do, and supply a wee something for each day as we count down the days until baby Jesus lay in a manger.

1 DEC: I found this by way of Miss Marta. {See 00} I really love this idea. If you don’t want to use books, what about wrapping up 24 favourite poems, quotes, love notes to your sweetie, or even writing out some of your favourite Bible verses and letting those be that day’s focus. You can add your own flavour and make it uniquely yours.

2 DEC: In the mood to bake? Check out this fabulous calendar of cookies. Homemade treats make THE best gifts.


I’m sorry to report. The cold has one up on me. Not for long sucker!

Last night I slept with a box of tissue within arm’s reach. Today the same box has decided it likes me so much it will sty by my side until it's sheets are no more. What's a girl to do? Sniffle, sniffle . . . . cough, cough . . . . aachheeeewww! Plug your nose and repeat after me. “I’m all stuffy and I sound like a cartoon character; a really bad cartoon character.

In my last post I groaned {not a lot, just a little } about dear Blogger. I have yet another Blogger {Booger} glitch I want to share. Just sharing the love folks because this stuff is important, ya know! If you go to edit your profile Blogger seems to assign you Accounting in the Industry part of your profile, even if you do not make any changes to that category. I had not selected anything in this category and I noticed it said Accounting. I changed it to None Specified and still it wanted to spit out Accounting. I have also noticed this glitch on other profiles that I know are not in accounting. So, make sure you check when making any changes. It took me a couple of tries to get it sorted. Darned thing! I still love you Blogger, faults and all.
*I should probably let the peeps over at Blogger know, in case they don’t already.


Scribbit said...

That is a beautiful--I love vintage decorations like that.

Nadine said...

Absolutely lovely photo.

Louise said...

Hope you are feeling better real soon!!

david mcmahon said...

Love the idea of your Ad(Blog)vent Calendar .....

Great concept

Greg C said...

Great ideas. I have the sniffles myself this morning. :(

Melanie Margaret said...

Hi Cheeky ~ so nice to connect with you again!

Feel better soon.
I know colds are no fun.


redeemed diva said...

I am doing a Christmas book advent with my kids--they love it! Since our collection is quite small, I've also got some library books. Nothing better than snuggling and reading with my babies!

all over the map said...

*Scribbit~ me too!


*Louise~after a week of being down for the count, I'm feeling human again.

*DM ~ ty, and ty for stopping by.

*GG~ty.hope yours did not turn into anything worse.

*melba~yes I've missed CaC and you.

*redeemed diva~ awww. ty for stopping here and commenting. I'd have to agree and I think the book idea is just fabulous. I want to do it next year.

*PP~ty. yes window displays count. and yours were lovely, may I add? hope whatever you picked up, you drop off soon! be well for christmas dear friend. said...

OH no, Bless yoU!! Well, I was an accountant for a while too... I noticed that blogger doesn't let you select "other" when leaving a comment anymore.... Am I wrong??? Love the advent idea!! xo

Suz. said...

Happy Advent, Cheeky!

tongue in cheek said...

Happy feast of preparing!
Love the advent calendar, both the vintage one and the blogger one.