Friday, 14 March 2008

Be Back Soon

Dear Friends,

I wanted to have some wonderfully, creative post to come back with but I don't. Not yet anyway! I'm still alive and have been visiting many of my favorite blogs and if you haven't seen me at your place, you will soon. Promise. Until then, I leave you with a short and sweet "hello", I miss all of you and this wonderful quote.

"Happiness is a direction, not a place." -Sydney J. Harris
found via The Dear Diary Stories


Giulia said...

Beautiful quote! Good to know that you are still around. :)

nap girl said...

checking your blog on a whim and so happy to see you are back! i have been on hiatus myself and am slowly dipping my toes back in :)
ox kelley

deedee said...

Salut Cheeky!
Glad to hear from you and hope all is well. Take good care and write when you can.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Yes yes, great quote! And I'm happy to see you're reading "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn." I still think about Frances :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see you. Missed you around, dear friend! Hope you are well and taking care of yourself. Bless you.

all over the map said...

I like that quote. It's a gentle reminder. Thanks for popping in.

Glad you did and you have been in my thoughts. We need to catch up.

Salut! I'm glad to visit you again.

I've set tt book down and need to pick it back up. I've a bad habit of doing that.

I've missed you too and am looking forward to catching up with you, dear friend. I'm glad to call you that.

Louise said...

Great to hear from you! Missed you. I come too see if you are around everyday, hope life is treating you well! HUGGS!!

all over the map said...

Thanks and I've missed your blog and you as well. I totally appreciate the lil' community and solid few bloggie friends I've made and you are obviously one of them. I enjoy the hugs. Corny, I know but I'm feelin' the love.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheeky!!! I just wrote something then accidentally deleted it. How are you?? I'm so glad you stopped by! So you would really cook for me if you lived nearby? well, where are you, so that I can send you the Housing Section when it comes out every Wed. and Fri. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.