Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Something is better than nothing

I realised today I had to just write. Write anything, really. Something. It didn’t matter what but something, for myself. You see, I’ve been walking away feeling empty each time I don’t post. I’m constantly jotting things down but not bringing it all together collectively. Writing is freeing, even if it isn’t proper or good. It’s good exercise for my mind and soul. It gives me a certain sort of high, like running does. I’m guilty of always editing or second guessing what I’m writing. That gets me nowhere. I realised I’m denying myself something that motivates and lifts me up. From now on, I’m going somewhere. Even if it’s so-so because it’s a heck of a lot better than nowhere which is where I remain when I do nothing.

Here I am.

No organised topic. Not just yet. It will come. For now I will spill. Spill out thoughts, random little titbits, etc. Whatever feels right, for me. Whatever feels fun and easy and free.

  • I miss home and the comfort of things familiar but I am slowly becoming familiar with my new surroundings.
  • I like the view of the city we get, just up on the hill, when we drive to school in the morning. Always makes me smile.
  • I look forward to the cooler weather that is coming. I’m also getting more “use to” the fact that I now live in the southern hemisphere where seasons are opposite those in the north.

I feel better already.


Giulia said...

I was confused for a moment there, when you wrote that you were looking forward to the cooler weather! lol

I know exactly how you are feeling regarding the writing. I have many moments like that with my blog.

I'm glad that you are becoming familiar with your new surroundings though. :)

Cherrye said...

I hear you, girl! I'm still working on that "getting adjusted" thing, too. Glad you are back!

Louise said...

So great to be able to read a post by you again! I have missed you!
I am a tad jealous of your surroundings ;)
Have a great day!

rochambeau said...

Dear Cheeky,
Thank you for taking the time to post today. It is good for the soul, and what you say is so true. Writing is freeing! It made me smile to receive a message from you yesterday. Sending you happy thoughts and creative ones too!

I'll be back!!


all over the map said...

It is confusing because I've been back and forth between the US and Oz.

I think the adjustment is really more emotionally than physically. I'm sure you understand.

You always brighten my mood with your sweetness and encouragement. Don't be jealous, come for a visit!(Always "seems" better from afar)

I love the feeling. I'm glad you smiled as I thoroughly enjoyed your creation and the story.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It's always better to write something. I'm so glad you're writing something : ) I've missed you.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

So happy that you've decided to just write...it's the best way to get back into the groove, and yet the hardest thing to do. Life sure is funny sometimes ;)

Anonymous said...

I think that's one of the wonderful things about writing... its ability to lift the soul. I enjoy the creative outlet it brings for me as well, and I know what you mean when you speak of that urge to write even when you don't have something specific to say. Specific or not, your thoughts are lovely ones.

And thank you for stopping by my place with your kind comment - I hope future such whims bring you back often :)