The other day whilst out and about getting a few things I found myself in the confectionary section of the shop. Mmhhh…..how did I end up there? Just like me. Easily distracted and wondering around just because. What I was there to buy, mind you, was not in this section of the store. Go figure!
I found myself in front of the marshmallows (why isn’t it marshm*e*llows?) I immediately saw these and knew they were going home with me. The cute heart shapes had me sold and besides my step daughter loves hearts, and sweets. She definitely gets that from her daddy.
I’ve never been a huge fan of the marshmallow by itself, as a snack or treat. Here, in Australia, they are more of a treat (lollie as we say). They come in different shapes, colours and flavours. I’m used to a bag of plain whites either miniatures or the large size. I have yet to find a plain bag here. They just aren’t used for the same thing we use them for in the US. When I think of marshmallows I associate them with the following:
• Thanksgiving yams with marshmallows melted on top. I can’t remember a Thanksgiving without them. I loved them every year, and still do.
•Rice crispy treats. I loved these growing up, and yep still love them now. I need to make some, speaking of.
•S’mores. Can you taste the goodness just thinking about these? I honestly can’t think of a more iconic American treat than these. So many fond memories of these at camp and the many beach bonfires over the years.
•Hot chocolate with a bunch of miniature marshmallows. The melted, gooey yumminess of it all.
I think the marshmallow is a love of mine. Not in and of itself but what I associate it with. It’s a comfort and reminder of fond memories and happy times. Thanksgiving is love. The marshmallows on top of the yams are just an expression of that love. The love your mom and grandmother poured into preparing that dish because they knew you loved it. Rice crispy treats are love. Made the same way because they knew you loved them and they truly were a treat. Hot chocolate is love. A steaming cup handed to you by your mom made just the way you like it, with marshmallows on top. S’more are love. The many conversations had with family and friends around a fire ring holding your wire hangar with the marshmallow at the end ever so carefully, making sure it was toasted perfectly.
It seems the marshmallow has it’s own special place in my heart. I’m looking forward to making the family some hot chocolate, especially my step daughter, this weekend as we are finally having cool nights here.
How do you love thee? What do you associate the marshmallow with? Please do tell.
Happy LOVE Thursday everyone.
Oh this is just so lovely Cheeky. I love marshmallow *and* what they represent--like you I have many fond memories attached. Most involve my mom, and those are some of my favorites :)
Gorgeous photo, too.
Happy Love Thursday!
Yum. Your site is beautiful!
When we lived in France I loved the little animals made out of marshmallow in the candy shops.
Love the new header!!
I grew up with rice krispie squares and my mom used to make cherrio ones too!! Yum yum!!
Those look fun and yummy!
these are adorable ~ i have never seen anything like them & i only know the american "white" variety. for me it is hot chocolate and smores. i haven't had smores in a few years ~ i think it is time! thank you for the reminder ;-) ox kelley
Ciao Cheeky!!! We were both gone at the same time. I missed your blog, too! Glad you are back and I love the new look!
And, I agree - Marshmellow makes SO much more sense!
Well, this post made me smile tonight! Yay for marshmellows! I especially like them stuck to a stick and melting over a fire. Mmmm...a big gooey, sticky mess...mmmm again! I haven't done that in a while...maybe this summer...
Turns out that the 'mallow' part comes from the Old English mersc-mealwe: a kind of mallow plant (Althea officinalis) which grows near salt marshes. The confection was originally (1884) made from paste from the roots of this plant. The Greek word for the plant, althaea, is from althein "to heal."
Just the kind of trivia you always needed to know!
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