I've had a curious little partner lately in everything I do. Always wanting to investigate what's going on sometimes poking her little nose into places it doesn't belong. She's a naughty little girl too but she's still a puppy so she can get away with things, well sort of. It also helps she's so darn cute. Don't ya think?
And lately I've been in a really creative and craft mode. I've been collecting craft project tutorials online, sorting through a few great project books I have and getting excited about all the great project ideas from some of my favorite magazines. The list is growing long. I find myself completely taken in by all things handmade and totally inspired by those who are creating. I've tapped into my creative soul and I am finding such pleasure in this process.
What creative endeavor pleases your soul?
I'm just impressed he's keeping his paws off the table :)
I've been picking up craft books lately, apparently getting ready for a creative burst in the near future.
Gaaaaaaaah! So cute!!!!!!! I love my little "helpers" too :)
Funny you posted this now. I was *just* thinking I haven't created in a while. I mean, I write all the time, but I mean something different with my hands...I have *lots* of cross-stitch that is calling me in fact....
That is a seriously cute helper!! I love my helper too, I never thought I 'd appreciate a dog as much as I do!!
And my creative thing I love to do is scrapbook, I have my own room where I can come and go as I please and leave it messy or clean and I love the peace I find there in creating special pages for my family to reflect on later. Can't wait to see the projects when you are done!!
I wanted to be an artist, but my family did not believe in nurturing those kinds of talents.
They were very business oriented.
Blogging helped me find a way to let the artist that had been trapped within out.
Thanks so much for visiting.
it makes me smile to know that you are exploring your creative instincts. so many wonderful things on this journey, collette. i look forward to seeing what manifests...ox kelley
She is so cute! I am really into sewing lately. I'm trying to sew a new wardrobe...
Oh I have one of those curious little partners, too, except mine has triangles for ears and eats paper for attention. Your little helper is a cutiepie. :)
So what tutorials have you found online or in magazines? What ones excite you the most? I'd love to see what ones you are working on.
What creative endeavor pleases my soul? Hmmmm...well, I'm currently part of a round robin which has the creative side of my brain working on something new every month. Right now I have paper mache body parts drying in my kitchen and a half-finished photo album sitting on the table behind me that will be a gift for someone later this week. :)
What a sweetheart to help you!
And you are so smart! Using paint samples (whatever those cards are called) for a project. Great idea!
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