Couldn't resist a little flikr fun. And I love me some pink. I think it's the softness of it that draws me in. I'm not attracted to the hot or dark pink shades. It's the soft, subtle tones that draw me in. Maybe it's the bursting of Spring here that's luring me in but honestly pink lures me in all year long.
I'm dreaming of:
1. A pink, hazy sky to lie under.
2. A pretty pink rose with a soft scent that I wouldn't forget to stop & smell.
3. A yummy, sweet cupcake with butter cream frosting dusted with pink goodness that I could eat whilst under that pink sky.
4. Pink wellies I can go puddle stomping in (Seriously, I would love a pair of these) along the way to smelling the roses, cupcake in hand, underneath the pink sky.
5. A vintage pink dresser to stash all my goodies in. Oh my!
6. A fresh cut pink gerbera to place in my kitchen sill.
7. A pink bicycle to ride through the countryside. Of course, I'd have to wear my pink wellies for stops to stomp along the way. I'd also have a basket to place my fresh cut flowers and my sweet treats I collected from my stop at the local bakers.
8. A pink painted door on the entry of my dream studio. The kind where dreamy delights become a reality. The one I'd come back to after my midday bicycle ride. The one where my pink wellies and pink bike would be parked just outside. The one where I'd retreat to to continue dreaming these dreams.
What's captured your imagination of late and what are you dreaming of?
Hi Colette, Pink is a favorite colour at my day job among teachers, one eaven sends her emails in pink.
It's getting cold here in Connecticut so I'm dreaming of holidays with our family and a white Christmas.
Wow, you are really quite creative and I love "Pink" too but you know that!! MOM
Very creative. My imagination...when I have enough sleep, I dream of staying home and writing.
I love making photo mosaics.
And yours is not just pretty - it's inspiring.
Oh I love this! And what great timing since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we *all* should be thinking pink...don't be surprised if I borrow this idea soon ;)
I'm a pink lover too, btw, but I love all shades depending on my mood, of course ;)
These are so lovely! I love pink, girly things. A few years ago, I got a pink Kitchenaid mixer. It's definitely my favorite thing in the kitchen@
I love this! Any tips you can send my way for making a cool photo block like this one? I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, ever since I read this post for the first time. LOVELY.
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