Wednesday, 1 October 2008

when we lead by example


Anonymous said...

yes, yep, yehaw, yowie.....yessss!
ox kelley

tiffany said...

This is so true! I told a man on the street today hello and he seemed taken aback in surprise! Hopefully next time, he'll say hello to someone else and surprise them!

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Good quote. Sometimes the expressions on our faces has absolutely nothing to do with what we think of the other person in front of us. We may be thinking about something completely separate. I know that I've been started out of a grumpy mood by a cheerful hello. :)

jude said...

A person can forget what you said, perhaps what you might have done but never the way you made them feel! A random act of kindness is never out of style.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

I love that! The photo and the illustration! It's so true...some people just need to be given friendliness, and then they're ready to give it themselves.

marta said...

yes, yes, yes. lovely. i adore this photo. wow. thanks for such a great quote.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Gorgeous :)