images by Emma Cassi found via Lobster & Swan
February already. Can you believe it? I fell in love with these images. Something about delicate lace, ribbon and vintage papers makes me feel romantic. I connect with delicate, feminine displays. Who wouldn't love a Valentine adorned with any of these things. So lovely and inspiring.
As for me, I'm still here. I've been absent, I know. I am going to create a new space for blogging the question is when? Lots of ideas but nothing feels right just yet. Still deciding on a name, etc. I'm particular that way but I know when it feels right I'll know it. I may simply go with my name if nothing else fits. We'll see? I did create a new header for this space though (for those of you reading in a reader). I love playing with these things. So much fun and pure pleasure.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful new year.
Oh . . . and because it sounded like fun. I've seen this at few places so I'm joining in. Sixteen random things about me. I'll post one at a time like Lobster & Swan is doing.
01. I studied pre-med for 2 1/2 years at university but then decided it wasn't for me. I still love the sciences, always have, but my heart wasn't in it. I don't have any regrets about leaving that discipline but I do wish I would have taken more Art classes. I'm an absolute believer in studying what interests you, what gets your blood pumping not what someone else thinks you should be doing.