Tuesday, 6 November 2007

a few things that make me smile

Although I'm not officially participating in this like my lovely friend is, I can't help but feel that this month is all about being thankful and grateful. Writing my first post for November sparked something inside me. It reminded me of exactly this: being thankful + grateful. Just the sound of those two words feels good, doesn't it?

So in keeping with that, I thought it would be nice to spread some of the goodness. (enjoy)

I just *love* this sweet, sweet story and of course the gift that prompted the post. I love the reflection of life's journey and the appreciation of growth rather than material things. I *heart* this blog and m's style.

From above I discovered this place. Simple, creative, fun and sometimes amusing. I like her style. She always shares nifty craft ideas and all kinds of other neat stuff too. I like it!

•This makes me smile *BIG*. This really is what life is all about. Thanks Cate.

I am thankful for all the wonderful woman who blog and share so many amazing things. I am thankful I have the means to have access to such a multitude of information and ideas. I am thankful I can be a part of it.


Anonymous said...

And we are thankful for you too. xoxoxo... :)

ColourYourWorld said...

And I am thankful you are smiling.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Ooh, lots of great things to go and look out! I'm thankful for that, and like Vee, said I'm thankful that you're smiling :) Woohoo!!!!!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Uh, to go and look "at." I need more coffee...(it's 8:20 a.m. here).

deedee said...

I am thankful that you are back blogging!

Anonymous said...

Sheesh Cheeky! you certainly made me smile today :) I too am very grateful for the wonderful women like you that I have "met" just from blogging. Who would have thought? I have to thank you for linking a sweet story about my boy. I needed it today because I have been so overwhelmed by him lately that I swear I have wanted to run away. Or at least leave him at the store where he was particularly obnoxious, but I'm sure someone would have quickly followed me out and shoved him in my car before I peeled out of that parking lot. That's how *charming* he was.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for you! I'm thankful that you're thankful :) Hope your days keeping getting brighter and full of blessings.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! And thank YOU for the links. That surprise present of photos is such a sweet and thoughtful idea, isn't it. Good husband! :)

Nadine said...

I'm thankful that you started blogging regularly again.

Anonymous said...

Yes, You are so so so right... And instead of being sad and angry we should revert our minds and be thankful&grateful.. My what a different world this would be!! xxoo

Anonymous said...

You spread and share such thanksgiving and wonderful links!
Happiness is you !

Louise said...

As many have said before me I am so thankful to have you back in bloggerworld!!

Scribbit said...

What a beautiful picture--that's something I've always wanted to try to learn better: Photography.


all over the map said...

The Whole Gang,
Thank you all so very much for your kind words and especially the warm welcome back. I feel such encouragement from each of you and it is a truly awesome feeling.
Love you guys.

marta said...

thank you thank you. you are always making me smile with your sweet comments and lovely words. am thankful for blogging buddies like you. xo. have a wonderful weekend. you are like sunshine.