the path we walk isn't always easy. whoever said it would be, right? life can be a challenge to us all, to say the least. life is filled with highs and lows. hopefully, the highs far outweigh the lows but sometimes they don't and life feels impossible, overwhelming and more than we can handle.
have you ever felt like that?
this is one of those times for me. i want to it to pass. i know it will. time is a healer. i get impatient and i want the healing process to be done. i want it to pass at the blink of an eye. i want to be on the peak of the mountain, not in the valley but that would be boring and what would i gain or learn if i received instant gratification. how could i grow if i simply skipped over the most important part of the journey. i wouldn't!
through it all, i still manage to count my blessings and they are many. i find comfort in being grateful.
a few things i'm grateful for:
• my adorable niece and nephew in the above photo
• my family
• a home, food to fill my tummy and people who love me
• i was given today, and will appreciate tomorrow
• my health
• jesus
• friendships and laughter
Peace. :)
I'm glad to see you back blogging. I'm missed you. Lovely, encouraging post.
peace to you too!
thanks. me too. i'm finding it better to pour some energy into counting blessings rather than dwelling on the "not-so-good" stuff right now.
HEY so great to have you back in blogger world, I have missed you!!
I wish you all the best life has to offer hope the not-so-good stuff turns into GREAT stuff soon!!!! HUGS TO YOU!
you have such a good perspective for someone who finds themselves in a valley. I bet you have a really high EQ (emotional quotient) and will bounce back soon. In fact, I bet you are already on the way....
it's good to be back. i missed you too. i still miss everyone. i feel "out-of-the-loop" so i'm easing my way back.
thanks for the hugs. i'll take all i can get. : )
Oh, I have been there, too. Sometimes it seems that all we can do is wait til those lows pass. And it does help to think of the blessings in our lives. You certainly have a good list there. :)
I'm at this point too. I want the healing process to be over and for my life to be as I want it and back to being happy and productive and independent NOW. Not now, actually, five minutes ago!
Thanks for the reminder that this isn't always how it works and that we have to see all the things we have to be grateful for in the meantime.
You are the best.
Karen Beth :)
I don't always have the "good" perspective; oh trust me I have my moments. I do find comfort in focusing on the positive.
I don't know about the high EQ.
As you said in your post about your dad; time is a healer.
I think the list is awesome when I think about the millions of people who do not have what I so often take for granted and forget that everything I have is a blessing.
I never thought of it as how we were brought up. Naturally, it's just easier to skip over the healing and dealing stage.
I do have a lot to be grateful for and I welcome the improvement. :)
I'm with you. I have said those same words.
Thanks so much for your loving support and kind thoughts. I am thankful for you.
You are the best!
Ciao bella! Counting blessings is such an excellent way to gain perspective and feel better. We often forget how much we have in the low times, but live definitely has so many ups and downs. Hang in there!
Abbracci da Roma!
You're so wise. Continue on cara. Did you see the rainbow I posted the other day...I think it has your name on it ;)
It is easy to forget about what we have when times are tough. Yes, counting blessings does have a way of putting life in perspective.
Mmhh...wise. I did just turn 40. Perhaps I've gained some wisdom along the way. Ask me when I'm 80, HA!
I did see the rainbow and thanks. It reminded me of God's plan. Thanks.
So happy to see you looking at the things your thankful for when you are going through such trying times. You are a real blessing.
great to see you back!
happy (belated) halloween.
what you have been (are) feeling will pass, as you say... and, well, you've got it sussed... time elapses and works wonders as it ticks away.
Love to you,
Peace and grace be at your side.
Welcome back!
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