Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Christmas: A few questions answered

Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Both. Plus anything else that can be used to disguise a present. I enjoy giving attention to the presentation of the gift. I love it when you can see the thought that goes into wrapping something special. I’ve had good luck finding unique gift bags for a fraction of the regular price at discount shops {my fave}.

Real tree or artificial?
Real. Nothing beats the smell and it’s what I grew up with so it feels right. They do make some amazing artificial trees these days, unlike ones of the past that consisted of a dark green, wooden rod with plastic, green, prickly pieces that fit ever so neatly into the drilled holes on the center rod.

When do you put up the tree?
We never put it up on a specific day but always try to have it up around the first week of December. We always enjoy the whole process of decorating and then getting to sit and admire all the ornaments and lights. I love to curl up under a blanket, turn off all the lights, except for the ones on the tree, and just dream. . . . .

When do you take the tree down?
After the new year. We like to stretch it out and enjoy it as much as possible.

Do you like eggnog?
Do kids like presents? Of course! Thinking about it now makes me want some. Guess I need to get out and buy some. Mmmhhh yummy.

Favourite gift received as a child?
I can’t remember one single gift that stands out as being the best. Every Christmas was my favourite in and of itself. As long as I can remember I have always loved being with family and friends. I have to say, that is my favourite gift.

Do you have a Nativity Scene?
Why, yes I do. Jesus is the reason for the season. I think the Nativity is an important reminder of what Christmas is all about.

Hardest person to buy for?
My brother.

Easiest person to buy for?
My mother.

Mail or email Christmas cards?
I’ve never sent a virtual card. I’m not opposed to them but they just don’t carry the same sentiment and they never will, for me. There is nothing more lovely than a handwritten note. I love seeing words on paper. What happened to the idea of taking time to write a personal message to family and loved ones? I hear a lot of “too busy”, “don’t have time”, etc. I don’t want my life to become too busy for what really matters; my family and friends. I believe we make time for what’s really important.

Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Anything gifted to me is appreciated.

Favorite Christmas movie?
A Christmas Story.
Red Ryder BB Gun and "You'll shoot your eye out kid." Come on, it doesn't get any better than that!

When do you start shopping for Christmas?
I don’t have a specific time frame. I try to purchase little treasures for others whenever I find them and put them aside for the right moment or occasion. Shopping under pressure with all the craziness isn’t fun and I try to avoid it at all costs. Besides, it feels like you buy something just to buy it and I’m not comfortable doing that.

Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Nope. Never. I don’t re-gift.

Favourite thing to eat at Christmas?
My mom’s snowball cookies {also known as Russian tea cakes}.
It’s the only time of year they are made and I have fond memories of sneaking them when I was younger.

Clear lights or coloured on the tree?
I have used white for quite a while but I get bored and like to change things up a bit. I love vintage coloured lights.

Favourite Christmas song?
O Holy Night.

Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Most years I have been home with family but I have also traveled. One of the most memorable was the Christmas I spent in Italy. I spent the day walking the streets of Rome.

Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Comet, Cupid, Donner, Prancer, Dasher, Vixen, Dancer, Blitzen & Rudolph. (All those years of watching the animated Christmas specials on television paid off)

Angel on the tree top or star?
Angel. I’d like to have a star. Just have to find the right one.

Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
We always open one on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas Day.

Most annoying thing about this time of year?
I’m trying to keep my focus on Jesus, the reason for the season. If I stay focused on Him I don’t have room to be annoyed.

Favourite ornament, theme or colour?
I have many ornaments that I have collected from all over and each one has it’s own story. They are all special in their own right. I do like a softer touch as far as decorating goes. “Less is more” motto, except for my tree. It is chock-full of ornaments.

Favourite for Christmas dinner?
I always looked forward to my grandmother’s Christmas Eve dinner. While it wasn’t fancy, "schmancy" it was always good and Christmas Eve was always the gathering for our family. My grandmother always made a ham, her baked beans, potato salad {not just any, her’s was the best} and deviled eggs. It was simple and it always tasted so good.

What do you want for Christmas this year?
I don’t know. I haven’t made any specific requests but I’m always pleasantly surprised with the gifts I do receive.

*Thank you Karen of Zazazu for passing along this même. Feel free to join in if you feel moved to do so.


deedee said...

This was fun to read. Now I am thinking about an ornament we had on our tree back when I was a child. I wonder where that ornament is now?...

Giulia said...

After reading all of that, I feel that I was able to see deep into your soul and have pleasantly learned some wonderful things about you. :)

I am now in the mood for snowball cookies! ;)

all over the map said...

*Poppy Fields,
When it comes time to take out all the Christmas decor it is fun to think about all the different ornaments and their history.
I wonder where your ornament is too? It's waiting for you to remember it's story.

I had no idea I revealed that much about myself. It's nice to learn about each other this way though, I agree.

Oh and those cookies are yum. I use to sneak them out of the freezer. I'd still do it today, truth be told.

Anonymous said...

I also LOVE to sit in a room with NOTHING but Christmas lights on. That is the most beautiful and relaxing thing to me ever. Your answers hit home on a lot of questions for me. Christmas really is the only gift I need at Christmas-time. :)

all over the map said...

*Karen Beth,
There is something magical and soothing about sitting in front of those lights. I have loved doing this since I was a child. It's what I look forward to most. It allows me to soak up all of the Christmas spirit. It's the gift I enjoy the most.

Nadine said...

Great answers. O Holy Night is also my favorite song.

all over the map said...

*Nadine, is the night of our dear Saviour's birth....long lay the world in sin and error pining.... 'til he appeared and the spirit felt it's worth....a thrill of hope the weary world rejoices....

Brings tears to my eyes every time.

Peter @ Enviroman said...
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Louise said...

That was a great read!
Hugs to you!

all over the map said...

Glad you enjoyed.
Hugs back at ya! :)

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

I like this meme. I've seen it a few just might be calling me....

We always used to open one gift Christmas Eve and then the rest Christmas morning too! My mom always rigged it so we'd open new pajamas...important for the photos the next day ;)

all over the map said...

I would love to read your answers. I like thinking about tradition and times past. Why I liked this même. It is good fun, isn't it?
I'm guessing you may have went to midnight mass as well?

Melanie Margaret said...

This was so great to read. I was answering in my head as I was reading alone and we would have many of the same answers! :)

redeemed diva said...

That was really cool! I liked reading it. And just to be cheeky myself, it's actually not Donner, it's Donder--if you refer to the original 'Twas the Night before Christmas poem"--but I mean really, it's only in the spirit of being cheeky.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog! Who did your logo? said...

Oh, you are such a lovely girl!

Suz. said...

I like hearing your thoughts and reflections. Also it is good to be reminded of the value in handwritten cards -- it's becoming a lost art, I think (at least I feel like I am losing it!). Perhaps next year... oh well, I love the tranquility of the tree with lights as well. Peace, friend!

susanna said...

Merry Christmas! I hope that you have a wonderful time this holiday with your family and friends. :)

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.