Monday, 14 April 2008

a surprise "meeting" of sorts

Two weeks ago my husband called me in the afternoon to inform me he would be home but that he would be leaving the house again that evening as he had to meet with someone regarding work. The "meeting" would take a few hours because it was about an hour from here. Nothing unusual as sometimes these things tend to take place in the evenings. "Ok. I will see you when you get back," I said.

Our son went along with. You know, father-son bonding time.

They arrived home and my husband came in. It wasn't until a few minutes later that I asked where our son was. It seemed he was taking longer than usual to get inside. Shortly after, out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something moving across our kitchen floor. Yep. There she was. Little and sweet and eyes of green. Soft and cuddly and as brown as our timber floors. No wonder I couldn't see her. Sneaky boys!

I am enjoying her immensely. She is pure joy and I'm sure I will have plenty more to share about her, ahem.


Giulia said...

A thousand belly rubs for your new arrival! How cute!

ColourYourWorld said...

She is gorgeous and what a wonderful surprise!

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful dog! She looks so cuddly.

Louise said...

Oh cute!!
Congrats! Very sweet! Can't wait to hear all your stories!

nap girl said...

good times ahead & i can just smell that sweet puppy breath now ~ the best!
ox hugs

Anonymous said... cute! What a wonderful surprise from your husband and son.

Darlene said...

Oh! what a cutie pie...


looking forward to some good stories...i heart doggies

:) darlene xo

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Oh. My. God.

Awesome awesome awesome! But you knew I'd approve ;)

She's what's her name?!

Nadine said...

Very cute puppy. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

awww, sweet!! :)